Johnson’s Veterinary Products are giving lucky pet shop teams the chance to win an exciting day out – and it’s completely up to you on what kind of day that may be!
On July 31st 2021 Johnson’s celebrates its 100th year birthday – and we know that we wouldn’t still be here if it weren’t for the UK pet shops that have continued to sell and recommend our products all these years.
The difficulties of the past year and rise in pet purchases during lockdown have meant pet shops have been working harder than ever, so we feel strongly that pet shop teams deserve a treat!
Therefore, to celebrate our 100th Year birthday, we have partnered with Red Letter Days to give pet shop teams the opportunity to win the ultimate day out of their choosing.
NOTE: This is competition is open to pet shops and Johnson’s Veterinary Products retailers only.
The Prizes for Pet Shop Teams
We are holding five contests in total for each of our pet shop sales regions, with each region having prizes for first, second and third places. The first-place prize will be a £600 voucher to spend on any experience day provided by Red Letter Days, with the second-place winners receiving a £200 voucher and third £50.
The regions are as follows:
- South East England, South London, South Oxfordshire.
- South West England, South Wales
- Scotland, Ireland, North West & Northern England
- Midlands, North Wales, Yorkshire & Lancashire
- East Anglia, Home Counties, North London.
So, whether it be afternoon tea, a trip to the local spa or supercar thrill racing, we are leaving the decision on how you spend your Red Letter Days vouchers in your hands!
Read on to find out more about how to enter…
How to Win a Dream Day Out for your Pet Shop Team – Entry Requirements
It is Johnson’s birthday on 31st July 2021, and we would love to see as many pet shops as possible around the UK celebrating with us!
Therefore, to enter the competition, all you need to do is show us how you are celebrating Johnson’s 100th birthday on July 31st, either through a shop window or in-store display.

We are looking for super creative shop window and in-store setups that show you and your team celebrating our birthday. It is completely up to you how your display looks; however, we only ask that it is made clear in some way that the birthday celebrations are for Johnson’s – whether that be through a poster, bunting or signs.
Then just send us the images of your display to complete your entry. You can either tag us on Instagram @johnsonsvet, send them to us via email at or drop them in a direct Facebook message.
The competition deadline is Wednesday 4th August at midnight. The competition winners will be contacted directly via email, so make sure you keep your eyes peeled on your inbox in the weeks following the competition deadline.
Good luck, and we can’t wait to celebrate our 100-year milestone with you!