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Somewhere Over the Rainbow

It is said that the hardest thing about owning a pet is having to say goodbye. this is something I can resonate with as, over the years, I have loved and lost a fair few of my companions.
Pets are dependent on their owners for absolutely everything – food, shelter, warmth, affection and, in return, they give us unconditional love. The bond between a pet and its owner is unique.
I remember vividly having to take my tiny Pomeranian to be put to sleep. He had deteriorated over his last few days and, at 15, he had grown up with my children. My Son was inconsolable at the thought of losing Spider, (they called him this as he resembled a spider when he was a puppy!), however, after storming out of the house in tears, my son returned and surprised me when he said he wanted to hold him during his final moments. To this day I don’t know where he got the strength from, but he felt that it was the right thing to do. Although the occasion was terrible sad, I was proud that, at 15 himself, my son understood the responsibility of owning a pet continues to the very end.


“I haven’t left you, I’ve just gone ahead.
I’ll always be with you in your heart,
Just look by your side … I’m there!”

I was in a similar situation only a couple of years ago when my horse of 31 years, came to the end of her life. I had owned her from a 6-month-old filly, she was my faithful, loyal, beautiful friend and one of the kindest horses I will ever meet. When the day came to say goodbye, I held on to her and silently thanked her for her years of companionship.


It is absolutely heart-breaking when the time comes to let a beloved pet go, so, as Friday 28th August marks Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day 2020, here at Johnson’s we thought it would be nice to have a day dedicated to the beloved pets who remain in our hearts and memories.
We would love you to let us know about your special pet and maybe send us a picture!
“Grief never ends …
But it changes.
It’s a passage,
Not a place to stay.
Grief is not a sign of weakness,
Nor a lack of faith …
It is the price of love.”

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