Calm-Eze Tablets – pack of 6

(2 customer reviews)

Helps to calm and soothe nervous and hyperactive dogs and cats.

  • A natural dietary supplement.
  • Enriched with essential amino acids, vitamins & minerals
  • Ideal for stressful events, like thunderstorms, fireworks and travel.
  • Can help alleviate aggressive or territorial behaviour in dogs and cats
  • Easy to use tablet

36 tablets

Can be used in addition to our Calming Collar

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2 reviews for A044
Calm-Eze Tablets – pack of 6

  1. M Watts

    Our King Charles has suffered for years with the fireworks so we bought these tablets & guess what he’s been so calm. In the past we have tried collars push in electric stuff not worked at all. Thank you Johnsons I will be trying your ear drops next to see if it will help instead of going to vets.

  2. M Watts

    1st time in years Charlie been relaxed.

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