In our recent Pet Owner Report 2023, it was revealed that 59% of UK pet owners care more about their pet’s wellbeing than their own – a statistic that once again demonstrates the paternal-like connection that many owners have with their pets.
Although the findings may come as a surprise to some people, we have long recognised this shift in perception, and as such, have remained steadfast in our commitment to delivering products that combine care with treatment, ensuring pets are pampered and looked after in a way that reflects how their owners feel towards them.
What is the Pet Owner Report 2023?
The Pet Owner Report 2023 was a survey carried out by Johnson’s Veterinary Products with 1,000 pet owners across the UK. It asked participants their opinions on several topics related to pet ownership; such as the relationship between owners and their pets, where they are more likely to go for information about conditions such as fleas and how they felt about more regulations being placed over dog ownership I.e., dog licenses.
What did the report find about how UK pet owners viewed pet wellbeing?
According to the report from the pet ownership survey, the majority of owners would put the wellbeing of their pet before their own, highlighting a strong sense of love and loyalty that many feel towards their pets.
Some of the key findings that the survey uncovered included:
- 59% would prioritise their pet’s wellbeing over their own.
- Only 14% disagree with this sentiment, whilst 27% said they neither agree nor disagree.
- 61% of female pet owners agreed with the statement, whilst 13% disagreed.
- 57% of men said they would put their pet’s wellbeing first, whilst 15% said they wouldn’t.
- 25-34 year olds were the most supportive age bracket, with 64% admitting they would prioritise their pet’s wellbeing.
Of all the UK’s regions, Scotland was the most supportive of this sentiment with an overwhelming 72% of respondents admitting they would put their pet’s care first. Northern Ireland, the region with the lowest amount of support for the statement, still saw 50% of respondents in agreement compared with 32% against.

What do the results say about pet ownership?
Perhaps more revealing than the amount of people who admitted they would put their pet’s wellbeing before their own was the small percentage of those that disagreed with the sentiment. With just 14% stating they would prioritise their own personal wellbeing, it is clear that pets are more akin to children in today’s society.
This shift in perception is evident on social media too, with an increase in the number of social media accounts that have been set up by owners on behalf of their pets and are dedicated to posting pet-related pictures and videos. Most owners, past and present, will understand this position, as pets quickly become a valued part of the family, and as such, receive the kind of treatment that reflects this.
Is this perception evident in consumer habits?
From the outset, the pet ownership survey sought to identify the factors that influence buying decisions when owners seek healthcare products for their pets. The wide range of findings have provided an interesting insight into the position and priorities of many owners and why their appetite to spend remains so high.
With results that show the majority of owners would put the needs of their pets before their own, it is clear to see why many continue to invest in market-leading healthcare products to ensure the best possible care is afforded to their pets. It is for this reason that Johnson’s Veterinary Products continue to invest so much time into product innovation, combining love and care to create treatments that have drawn comparisons to human products.
It’s a trend that shows no sign of slowing anytime soon, as we continue to support owners and pets through the delivery of effective yet cost-friendly care.
Proactive care has long-term benefits
Another key motivation behind consumer spending habits are the well-documented benefits that proactive care delivers. By investing in market-leading products that also deliver quality of life improvements, owners can keep on top of their pet’s wellbeing, ensuring they remain fit and healthy despite changes to climate and weather.
For example, consistently grooming your pet with a flea comb and applying the necessary treatment will ensure infestations are avoided, which once they take hold, can cause symptoms in both pets and humans. With this in mind, proactive care will act as a preventative measure, saving you money and stress in the long run.
In fact, the very act of caring for pets and investing time and money into ensuring their health and happiness can deliver a wide range of personal mood-lifting benefits too. Statistics show that pet ownership can actually lead to significant stress reduction, as the human-animal bond is very symbiotic and therapeutic in certain cases.
According to studies, playing with or grooming animals can elevate levels of serotonin and dopamine, whilst pet owners over the age of 65 make 30% fewer visits to their doctors than those without pets. It is for this reason that proactive care is so important, as owners continue to go out of their way to find the best possible care for their pets.
Find the best products for your pet
From flea treatment to fresh-smelling shampoo, Johnson’s Veterinary Products offer a wide range of pet care products for owners to choose from. Besides improving the health and physical wellbeing of pets, they have also been designed to deliver a pampering experience, ensuring pets are properly groomed and looked after in a way that reflects the love their owners feel for them. Visit the products page and filter by category to find the right products for your needs.