Johnson’s Veterinary Products has been proudly caring for the nation’s pets for more than 100 years, building a successful business on a huge range of pet healthcare products available from pet shops and pet stores.
But the sector has evolved hugely over the last few years, with pet ownership growing substantially in the wake of COVID-19 (currently standing at 62% of UK households). With this in mind, we felt it was important to develop a better understanding of market sentiment and purchasing habits so that we can more aptly reflect the needs of our customers within the products and services we offer.
As such, we made the decision to undertake a survey of over 1000 pet owners to discover what drives their purchasing decisions, their consumer journey, and their outlook on pet stores and the services they offer; taking the opportunity to really get to the roots of their needs, wants and expectations concerning accessing support in caring for their animals.
We canvassed animal lovers from every corner of the country, owners of every type of pet and from a broad demographic of British consumers, and the results were both enlightening and, at times, surprising.
We have collated all the data in our very first purchasing habits report, which is now available to download below.
These findings will be used to inform our future innovation and development projects, and to ensure that we are able to continue manufacturing high-quality, cost-effective products that people want to buy.
We trust that you will find the report to be as useful and insightful as we have, and would very much welcome your thoughts and feedback so that we can tailor any future research to meet your needs.
Should you require any additional information, or further copies of the report, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Johnson’s Veterinary Products Ltd, 5 Reddicap Trading Estate, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, England B75 7DF UK
Telephone: +44 (0) 121 378 1684
Registered in England 489549 | VAT number details GB109610686